1. Citrine - the most beneficial abundance healer. It promotes well being. Used together with all the set stones heals your abundance inner circle and helps you live a wealthy life.
2. Ametrine - healing past abundance loses (from this time, genetic loses, and past life loses). Giving you the courage and the strength to dare to make the necessary steps to heal your abundance problems and debts.
3. Pyrite - business abundance healer. Helping you sort out how to grow your business in the most beneficial way.
4. Eudialyte - receiving abundance from others and from the Creator in the highest and best way.
5. Red quartz - avoiding wrong investments and keeping your abundance growing.
6. Sardonyx - mastering abundance in all life times.
7. Bumblebee Jasper - to avoid jealous people sabotaging you and taking advantage of your abundance that you worked hard for.
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Zodiac sign: Gemini, Aries, Libra, Leo
Citrine is a powerful cleanser and regenerator. It never needs cleansing. It absorbs, transmutes and grounds negative energy and is therefore extremely protective for the environment. Citrine is a stone of abundance. This dynamic stone teaches how to manifest and attracts wealth and prosperity, success and all the good things. Citrine is a happy, generous stone and encourages sharing what you have and yet helps you to hold on to your wealth. Psychologically, Citrine raises self-esteem and self-confidence and removes destructive tendencies. It enhances individuality, improves motivation, activates creativity and encourages self-expression. Mentally, Citrine enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind. Citrine promotes inner calm so that wisdom can emerge. It helps digesting information, analyzing situations and steering them in a positive direction.
HEALING: It is excellent for overcoming depression, fears and phobias. Citrine promotes inner calm so that wisdom can emerge. It stimulates digestion, the spleen and the pancreas. It negates infections in the kidney and bladder, helps eye problems, increases blood circulation, detoxifies the blood, activates the thymus and balances the thyroid.
Chakra: Third Eye, Solar Plexus
Zodiac sign: Libra
Ametrine powerfully combines Amethyst and Citrine. It is useful in long-standing illness as it brings insight into causes of dis-ease. Ametrine connects the physical realm with higher consciousness. It facilitates and protects during astral travel and relieves psychic attack. It clears stress and tension form the head, calming the mind and bringing greater focus to meditation. Ametrine opens the third eye, promoting healing and divination. It unites masculine and feminine energies. It stimulates creativity and supports taking control of one's own life.
HEALING: It disperse negativity from the aura, and toxins form the body. It regenerates the physical body and strengthens the immune system, aids the autonomic nervous system, stabilizes DNA/RNA, and oxygenates the body. Ametrine helps heal the chronic fatigue syndrome, burning sensations, depression, gastric disturbances and ulcers.
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Zodiac sign: Leo
Pyrite is an excellent energy shield. It is a very positive stone. It overcomes inertia and feelings of inadequacy. It facilitates tapping into abilities and potential stimulating the flow of ideas. A piece of pyrite placed on a desk energizes the area around it. It is helpful when planning large business concepts. Psychologically, it relieves anxiety and frustration and boosts self-worth and confidence. It is helpful for man who feel inferior as it strengthens confidence in themselves.
HEALING: Pyrite treats bones, stimulates cellular formation, repairs DNA damage, aligns the meridians and aids sleep disturbed by gastric upset. It strengthens the digestive tract and neutralizes ingested toxins, benefits the circulatory and respiratory systems and boosts oxygen in the bloodstream. Pyrite is also beneficial for the lungs alleviating asthma and bronchitis.
Chakra: Heart, Crown
Zodiac sign: Taurus, Scorpio
Eudialyte opens the heart chakra, links it to the base and earth chakras and aligns chakra flow to connect spirit and mind with the emotional body. It teaches that you can grow spiritually through joy and fulfillment rather than suffering, embracing the fullness of all that life on earth has to offer. If you need a situation or relationship to end, Eudialyte assists in doing so with grace and peace rather than conflict. Psychologically a stone of personal empowerment, Eudialyte chases away depression and dissatisfaction, releasing negative emotions such as jealousy, anger, guilt, resentment and animosity. Promoting self-forgiveness and healthy self-love, it expedites profound change, instills confidence and assists in learning from apparent mistakes.
HEALING: Beneficial for multi-dimensional cellular healing, energy depletion, harmonizing brainwaves, stabilizing the nervous system and the optic nerve, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's Disease, MS, lupus and encouraging the body to heal itself.
Chakra: Root, Sacral
Zodical sign: Aries, Taurus
Red Quartz has the ability to encourage immediate action. It is an excellent stone against procrastination and Tamas (lack of action or creation). Ideal to carry as a bracelet or in your pocket. Put on your desk to accelerate productivity at work. In a couple relationship, it helps with honesty by giving both partners the opportunity to express themselves and get to know each other more deeply. Recommended in case of legal causes as it manifests faster and more immediate resolutions.
HEALING: Improves blood vessels, heart rate, platelets and hemoglobin. If worn for a longer period of time it regenerates broken capillaries and helps circulation.
Chakra: Sacral
Zodiac sign: Aries
Sardonyx is a stone of strength and protection. It invokes the search for meaningful existence and promotes integrity and virtuous conduct. Bringing lasting happiness and stability to marriage and partnerships, Sardonyx attracts friends and good fortune. It can be gridded around the house and garden to prevent crime. Psychologically, Sardonyx supplements willpower and strengthens character. It increases stamina, vigor and self-control.
HEALING: Sardonyx alleviates depression and overcomes hesitancy. It helps heal lungs, bones and desensitizes the sensory organs. It regulates fluids and cell metabolism, strengthens the immune system and aids the absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste products.
Chakra: Sacral, Heart
Zodiac sign: Leo, Virgo, Taurus
Bumble Bee Jasper inspires a cheerful and joyous spirit, stimulating curiosity and creativity, promoting new interests and a boldness to get things done. It invigorates the senses, adding clarity, zest and meaning to life and relationships, and enhances communication and the ability to bring people and things together. It stimulates the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras, bringing the energy of the sun to the mind and intellect. It increases one’s vitality, confidence and self-esteem. It is a remarkable stone to increase wealth and abundance, assisting the impossible to manifest. It is useful in revitalizing one’s personal workspace by clearing away stale thoughts and ideas and providing vibrant grounding energy in which to expand, explore and create. This stone teaches the interconnectedness of all things and encourages one to not only spread joy and hope to others, but to use their talents to benefit one’s local, and global community.
HEALING: Spleen, pancreas, small intestine, glaucoma and high blood pressure problems. Helps in cases of varicose veins and capillary problems.