Chakra: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Zodiac sign: Leo, Libra
Sunstone is a joyful, light-inspiring stone. This stone allows the real self to shine through happily. Traditionally it linked to benevolent gods and to luck and good fortune. Sunstone is extremely useful for removing ‘’hooks’’ from other people, whether located in the chakras or the aura. Keep Sunstone with you at all times if you have difficulty saying ‘’No’’ and continually make sacrifices for others. Emotionally, Sunstone acts as an antidepressant and lifts dark moods. This stone reverses feelings of failure and increases self-worth and confidence.
HEALING: It stimulates self-healing powers, regulates the autonomic nervous system, and harmonizes all the organs. It treats chronic sore throats and relieves stomach ulcers.