Chakra: Heart
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Morganite is a type of Beryl. It attracts and maintain love. It promotes loving thoughts and emotions, thus creating the right space to enjoy being alive. Like any pink stone, it activates and cleanses the heart chakra, removing stress and regenerating the nervous system. Morganite helps recognize mental closure and egotism that blocks spiritual advancement, unmet emotional needs and unexpressed emotions. It is a powerful stone capable of resolving both conscious and unconscious resistances regarding the transformations and healings required because it takes away the “victim” mentality and opens us towards listening to the heart, and towards the acceptance of healing and unconditional love.
HEALING: Relieves stress and related diseases and brings oxygen to the cells. It treats tuberculosis, asthma, emphysema, heart problems, dizziness, impotence and lung blockages.Fossil coral prevents and improves tissue acidosis, digestive disorders, arthritism, rheumatism, heart, bone and nervous problems. Helps in eye, skin and stomach diseases. It is a great longevity generator.