Chakra: Solar Plexus
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
It is a protective stone that was traditionally carried as a talisman against ill wishing and curses. It shows the correct use of power and brings out integrity. It assists in accomplishing goals, recognizing inner resources and promoting clarity of intention. Tiger’s Eye anchors change into the physical body. It is useful for recognizing both the needs of others around you and yours. It differentiates between wishful thinking about what you want and what you really need. Psychologically it heals issues of self-worth, self-criticism and blocked creativity. Emotionally, it balances yin-yang and energizes the emotional body. It alleviates depression and lift moods.
HEALING: It treats the eyes and aids night visions, heals the throat and reproductive organs, and dissolves constrictions. It is helpful in repairing broken bones.