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Chakra: All
Zodiac sign: Virgo, Scorpio

Also known as Angel Phantom because of the inner wings and angelic vibration, Amphibole Quartz provides a connection to the highest level of spiritual experience, calling in your guardian angel and higher beings and bringing deep inner joy. It has an extremely gentle and calming energy. Spiritually, placing Amphibole Quartz on the crown chakra activates all the higher crown chakras, opening a ladder up which awareness ascends to connect with your Higher Self and, moving further up the vibrational scale, to attain the highest guidance. Using this crystal for introspection and insight, especially placed on the third eye, attunes to the wisdom of the universal mind, allowing a more detached perspective on life and on evolution. Gazing into its depths, you go to a space of deep universal love and are assisted in always acting from a place of love. The phantoms and inclusions within Amphibole Quartz can include red Hematite, a deeply stable stone that protects, grounds and dissolves negativity, white Kaolinite, which opens the inner ear and yellow-peach Limonite, which stimulates and guards against psychic attack or mental influence, making this stone a useful companion for spiritual journeying. Phantoms symbolize the numerous lifetimes of the soul and take you traveling through multi-dimensions. They break up old patterns and assist in reconnecting to ancient wisdom held in your soul memory. Environmentally, it has been suggested that Amphibole is the perfect workplace crystal as it subtly shifts the energies to the highest possible and brings about cooperation and harmony. Triangulating three Amphiboles provides a perfect meditation or creative space.

HEALING: it works best at the non-physical level of being.