Chakra: Third Eye, Crown
Zodiac sign: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio
It is a variety of Labradorite that is able to assist in spiritual searches of all kinds, protect and open up to higher vibrations. It is ideal for invoking ethereal or incarnate compatible spiritual guides. It protects from harmful radiation, as well as from projected thoughts, helping us to retain only useful information. Making a grid around the house with the Black Moonstone, it is said that attracts abundance and maintains a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Stabilizes unstable relationships and teenage anxiety. It improves concentration and is excellent for studying and promoting creativity. On a physical level, it strengthens the body and helps improve coordination and concentration.
HEALING: Relieves the colon, kidneys, liver, spleen, stomach and female reproductive organs. Supports regeneration from stroke and cases of Parkinson's disease and similar diseases. It balances female hormones and assists during menopause.
Chakra: Third Eye, Crown
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Barite facilitates communicating intuitive vision. It stimulates both dreaming and dream recall. Spiritually, Barite is useful for cleansing and rebalancing the entire chakra system. Psychologically, it enhances autonomy. It supports loyalty to an appropriate person or ideal. Barite overcomes shyness and assists with interpersonal communication and mental focus. It teaches you where your boundaries lie. It is strongly motivating and it benefits people whose energies are scattered or exhausted.
HEALING: It assists vitality, over-sensitivity to cold or temperature changes, memory, chronic fatigue, detoxification, the brain, vision, addiction and sore throat. It balances brain chemistry and calms the stomach and nervous system.
Chakra: All
Zodiac sign: All
Clear Quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet because of its unique helical spiral crystalline form. It enhances muscle testing and protects against radiation. Quartz generates electromagnetism and dispels static electricity. Storing information like a natural computer, this crystal is a spiritual library waiting to be accessed. It is a great energy saver. Clear Quartz is a master healer and can be used for any condition. Used in meditation, it filters out distractions. At a mental level, Clear Quartz aids concentration and unlocks memory.
HEALING: It stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. It is excellent for soothing burns. Quartz harmonizes all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies.