Chakra: Throat
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Apatite is a stone of manifestation and promotes humanitarian attitude, inclining toward service. Apatite is attuned to the future yet connects to past lives. It develops psychic gifts and spiritual attunement, deepens meditation, raises the kundalini and aids communication and self-expression on all levels. It increases motivation and builds up energy reserves. It is helpful for hyperactive and autistic children. Stimulating creativity and the intellect, Apatite clears confusion and helps to access information to be used personally and for the collective good. Apatite expands knowledge and truth and eases sorrow, apathy and anger.
HEALING: Apatite heals bones and encourages formation of new cells. It helps absorb calcium and ameliorates arthritis, joint problems and rickets. This stone encourages healthy eating, heals glands, meridians and organs and overcomes hypertension.
Chakra: Sacral, Crown, Third Eye
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Rainbow Moonstone carries the vibration of cosmic light and offers spiritual healing for the whole of humanity. Taking you on inter and multi-dimensional journeys, it reminds you that you are part of an ongoing, ever-unfolding cycle. Helps you see the unseen. Rainbow Moonstone is powerfully attuned to the cycles and phases of the moon.
HEALING: It is beneficial for the internal organs, eyes, arteries and veins.
Chakra: All
Zodiac sign: All
Clear Quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet because of its unique helical spiral crystalline form. It enhances muscle testing and protects against radiation. Quartz generates electromagnetism and dispels static electricity. Storing information like a natural computer, this crystal is a spiritual library waiting to be accessed. It is a great energy saver. Clear Quartz is a master healer and can be used for any condition. Used in meditation, it filters out distractions. At a mental level, Clear Quartz aids concentration and unlocks memory.
HEALING: It stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. It is excellent for soothing burns. Quartz harmonizes all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies.